Activation and Deactivation of Elements
The equivalent Python 3 code of the example in section 2.4.2 looks like this:
import Karamba.Models
import Karamba.CrossSections
import Karamba.Elements
import Karamba.Results
import KarambaCommon
from Karamba.Elements.States.Selectors import StateElement1DSelectorIndex
from Karamba.Geometry import *
from System.Collections.Generic import List
from System import String
model = Model_in
if not isinstance(model, Karamba.Models.Model):
raise Exception("The input in 'Model_in' is not of type Karamba.Models.Model!")
# load case to consider for elimination of elements
lcName = "LC0";
lcNames = List[String]([lcName])
# get load-case combination
success, lcc = model.lcActivation.TryGetLoadCaseCombination(lcName)
# select load case 0 of load-case combination "LC0"
stateSelector = StateElement1DSelectorIndex(model, lcc, 0);
# clone the model and its list of elements to avoid side effects
model = model.Clone();
# clone its elements to avoid side effects
k3d = KarambaCommon.Toolkit()
# do the iteration and remove elements with tensile axial forces
for iter in range(maxiter):
# create a deform and response object for calculating and retrieving results
model, max_disp, outForce, outEnergy, Warning = k3d.Algorithms.Analyze(model, lcNames)
# check the normal force of each element and deactivate those under tension
has_changed = False;
for elem in model.elems:
# retrieve resultant cross section forces
N, V, M = elem.resultantCroSecForces(model, stateSelector, 0.3, 3)
# check whether normal force is tensile
if (N > 0):
# set element inactive
elem.set_is_active(model, False)
has_changed = True
# leave iteration loop if nothing changed
if not has_changed:
# rebuild the C++ model
# update model to its final state
model, max_disp, outForce, outEnergy, Warning = k3d.Algorithms.Analyze(model, lcNames)
# set up list of true/false values that corresponds to the elemment states
elem_activity = []
for elem in model.elems:
isActive = elem_activity;
maxDisp = max_disp;
Model_out = Karamba.GHopper.Models.GH_Model(model)
print("Everything OK");
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