2.8.2: Data Retrieval from Models

The following constitutes the Python 3 version of the example discussed in section 2.8.2. This is the source code of the Python component:

import Karamba

model = Model_in;

if not isinstance(model, Karamba.Models.Model):
    raise Exception("The input is not of type 'Model'")

matWeights = {}

for elem in model.elems:
    mat = elem.crosec.material
    if not(mat in matWeights):
        matWeights[mat] = 0.0

    matWeights[mat] += elem.weight(model.nodes)

ucf = Karamba.Utilities.UnitsConversionFactory.Conv();
mass = ucf.force2mass();
kg = ucf.kg();

for key, value in matWeights.items():
    print(f"Material: {key.name}: {kg.toUnit(mass.toBase(value))}" + kg.unitB)

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